By Mason Swenson, VP, Product Management, CrashPlan
March 29, 2024
Like most commemorative dates, World Backup Day is a fluffy holiday standing in for a critical idea — businesses and individuals need to take data security way more seriously than they currently do. Against a backdrop of rising cybercrime, this is especially true. Cybercrime’s global cost will skyrocket over the next four years, going from $9.22 trillion in 2024 to $13.82 trillion in 2028. And apart from hackers, there are still the more boring but no-less devastating data loss cases that stem from human error, like an executive laptop left on a plane losing proprietary, critical intellectual property.
As cybersecurity pros, perhaps World Backup Day could be the day to institute some resolutions to help plug the gaps and prepare for a world of rising cybercrime and inevitable errors. Here are five to put forward, both as reminders for security managers and the companies you serve. Some of these might seem like no-brainers. But if that were true, all companies would already be doing them, wouldn’t they?
Read the full article on Security Magazine: https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/100542-5-crucial-cybersecurity-resolutions-to-embrace-this-world-backup-day